世界工廠|World Factory
時間 Time
18:30 - 21:30
地點 Venue
異鄉人合作社 Stranger Cooperation x 東門青年基地
Video Description
Created collectively by Grass Stage, directed by Zhao Chuan, the work of World Factory was inspired from Zhao Chuan's visit to Manchester, UK in 2009, and underwent 4-5 years of preparation. It explores the historical and geopolitical aspects, and especially the living conditions of the workers, in the global manufacturing industry. Members of Grass Stage has incorporated materials generated from their discussions, research, documentation and workshops into this collective creation, completed the play in middle of 2014, and toured in 9 cities in China. In 2015, Grass Stage created another production under same topic titled Apple and Moon, was performed in Shanghai and Hefei. Then two productions were toured to Shenzhen again for Foxconn workers, together with 10 days theatre workshop and seminars. Since it's premier in 2014, lectures and seminars were organized connected to the project, with involvements of international scholars and leading intellectual figures from the country.
Grass Stage was founded in Shanghai in 2005, with Zhao Chuan as its mastermind, and has since accumulated followers and influence. Within a framework of the most basic "poor theatre", works by Grass Stage use a diverse set of techniques, engendering powerful spaces for intellectual exchange. Grass Stage events made use of a wide range of venues and situations for performances and discussions, are not only spaces for bringing together diverse elements of society, but also provide, in a country relatively lacking in opportunities for public participation, a fluid and varied range of public social spaces.
映後座談主講人 Speaker
蕭立峻 Richard Hsiao ,紀錄片《機器人夢遊症》導演
蕭立峻,1981年生,台大動物系畢業,清大人類所肄業。當過廣告、電視節目製作助理,苦勞網記者,辦過影展,搞過工會,作品多關注社會議題,包括 《這是三小》、《世界末日前的電影課》以及《機器人夢遊症》等。
主持人 Moderator
李齊 LI Qi(交通大學社會與文化研究所博士生 PhD Student, Social Research and Cultural Studies, NCTU)