大帳篷─想像力的避難所|The Moving Tent

時間 Time
地點 Venue
江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo
新竹市東區興達街1號 No. 1, Xinda Road, East District, Hsinchu City
映後座談主講人 Speakers
楊子瑄、林欣怡(海筆子 Tent16-18成員)
Video Description
The Moving Tent, document the development of Tent Theatre movement of Taiwan Haibizi from 2004-2016, and subsequently their moving trajectory in Japan and Beijing etc. Along with initiations and rest of tent theatre project, Daizo Sakurai and his members put 10 years worth of pondering, changes of their livelihood and work, unfold into a map of rethinking. During the filming period, director Singing Chen started from record in objective distance, gradually turning into a participant of the tent theatre movement, and become a participant in the theatre, which includes the construction of the tent, stages and design etc.
After trying to organize the images for more than a decade, "The Moving Tent" is more like an introduction, for both internal and external, and make the screening of the documentary as a mobile square for dialogue.