好戲量 |FM Theatre Power, FMTP (香港 Hong Kong)
FM Theatre Power, FMTP
香港 Hong Kong
好戲量於2000年成立,由2015年度香港十大傑出青年楊秉基擔任藝術總監,其他成員包括2012年度香港十大傑出青年賴恩慈及多位香港藝術發展局新苗資助得主,包括:李雅瑜、陳菀甄、馮世權、陳裕君、黃綺雯、陳子文等。好戲量以全方位發展本地文化藝術為團體使命,一直熱衷於推廣香港文化藝術的工作,並以THEATRE FOR THE PEOPLE, THEATRE OF THE PEOPLE, THEATRE BY THE PEOPLE的信念進行不同類型的劇場,以生命影響生命。
劇場作品包括《駒歌》(四度公演)、《陰質教育》(十一度公演)、《吉蒂與死人頭》(二十三度公演,三百五十三場,破香港小劇場演出紀錄)、《忘了時間》、《一個無政府主義者的意外死亡》(獲選為2012年度十佳)、《點呀老豆老母》(三度公演)、《邊個發明了返工》、《女兒紅》、《林美香》、《囍事近》、《婚後事》等。除了劇場演出外,好戲量亦舉辦工作坊讓大眾接觸戲劇,更積極培育戲劇人才,如推行《無價戲劇空間》計劃、《義戲兒女》計劃等;並致力將戲劇帶入學校,創辦《通識自選劇場》《X生命劇場》;又推廣戲劇至街頭和社區,發展《外西九戲劇實踐計劃》《西九龍文娛藝術街》《Theatre Everywhere》《私房戲》等計劃。
FM Theatre Power (FMTP) is an independent theatre troupe based in Hong Kong, established in 2000. With a strong belief in theatre by the people, of the people and for the people, FMTP strives to promote local art and culture. In addition to theatrical performances, FMTP actively cultivates participation and engages audiences by organising workshops and seminars in schools, community centres, public spaces and FMTP's own studio.
Since it's establishment FMTP has received critical acclaim. Nine members had received recognition and were awarded the HKADC Emerging Artist Award. They included: Fung Sai Kuen, who develops drama education; Yukko Chan Yu Kwan, who subsequently invited to work in festivals in Korea, Nepal, France, China; Bonnie Chan Yuen Yan, who works with the Royal Shakespeare Company; Joyce Nga Yu Lee, who is the Resident Director of UK company Mind the Gap. The Artistic Director, Banky Yeung and the President, Mo Lai were awarded Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Hong Kong in 2015 and 2012 respectively.
Since 2009, FMTP has been pioneering and is committed to the development of Playforward Theatre. In 2010 Playforward Theatre received the HKADC Art Development Award for Merit, and since then toured extensively in mainland China.