第五場:走進草根:民眾劇場的主體想像與培力 Section V: Towards Grassroots: Imaginary of Subjectivity and Empowerment of People’s Theatre



People's Theatre emphasizes individual participation and autonomy as to construct a heterogeneous, collaborative communication community in the process of organization. Therefore, the focus of People's Theatre is not only its aesthetic presentation, but also the self-establishment and empowering process of the participants. In this section, we will proceed from the imagination of subjectivities in People's Theatre by focusing on the dialogue among practitioners and participants in the theater of the people by asking the following questions: Where are the People? Why People's Theatre? What are the subjects of resistance? From the practical experience of each individual, how does the autonomy of the participants convert to the agency of social actions in confronting specific situations?

主持 Moderator

林淑芬 LIN Shu Fen (台灣 Taiwan)

講者 Speakers

夏曉鵑 HSIA Hsiao Chuan (台灣 Taiwan) :重返受壓迫者劇場: 培力、組織、動員Return to the Theater of the Oppressed: Arouse, Organize and Mobilize

李秀珣 LEE Show Shin (台灣 Taiwan):迴盪在換幕到真實的裂縫中:劇場「相遇-越界」,一條通往解放的航行Between Acting and Realities: Towards a Self-reflexive Practice of People's Theatre

賴淑雅 LAI Shu Ya (台灣 Taiwan):漂泊的聲音---移工劇場實踐與反思Voices of the Drifters---The Practice and Reflection on Migrant Worker Theatre

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