洪承伊、白大鉉 HONG Seung Yi, BAEK Dae Hyun|戲劇遊樂場 SHIIM Theater Playground SHIIM(釜山 Busan)
白大鉉|BAEK Dae Hyun(釜山 Busan)
1998年,白大鉉加入「漢江劇團」,與所有的成員們共同即興創作了一齣與社會問題相關的戲。就是在這家公司,他自學了很多劇場方面的知識。2001年,他決定離開「漢江劇團」並放棄表演,畢竟與所有人一同創作劇場並非易事。然而就在兩年後,他嘗試著以劇作家為他的志業。但白大鉉發現,自己在戲劇創作上並非天賦異稟,因此他再次專注於演員的訓練。2007年,他來到釜山,加入了勞動文化藝術劇團「在此」( Labor Art and Culture Troop Ilter),為工人創作,也與工人們一起製作劇場。可他意識到了一件事,那就是自己真正想創作的,是一部更為深刻、更具實驗性的戲。於是到了2008年,他與搭檔洪承伊成立「戲劇遊樂場SHIIM」。自此,白大鉉一直擔任SHIIM的製作人,同時也是劇團的演員。
In 1998, Baek Dae Hyun joined the 'Hangang' theater company and improvised a play about social issues together with all the other members. He had trained himself and gained a lot of knowledge about theater in this company. In 2001, he decided to quit this company and acting because it was not easy to create a play with all people together.
Baek tried to start up his career as a playwright two years later. Yet he recognized that he was not talented as a playwright. Thus he focused again on a training as an actor. In 2007, he went to Busan and joined Labor Art and Culture Troop Ilter, which had made plays for workers and with workers. However he realized that he wanted to create a play which could be deeper and more experimental. Thus he founded Theater Playground Shiim with his partner Hong Seung Yi in 2008. Since then he has worked as a producer, an actor for the works of Shiim.
洪承伊|HONG Seung Yi(釜山Busan)
From Busan, South Korea, HONG Seung Yi is an actress of the Theatre Playground SHIIM. Since the age of 20, she has been participating in the labor union organization. In 2000, she officially joined the Labor Art and Culture Troop 'Ilter'. Lack of talent, she could only work as an administrative assistant. Later on, to support the strike of the Railway Workers Union against privatization, she participated in the acting for the first time during the period when 'Ilter' was on a national tour. In 2006 - 2007, she was appointed the leader of 'Ilter'. For her, the work at 'Ilter' was part of the labor movement. Later on, she questioned herself: 'What exactly is theatre?'. Therefore, she left 'Ilter' and founded Theater Playground SHIIM (Busan) with her partner BAEK Dae Hyun in 2008.
戲劇遊樂場 SHIIM|Theater Playground SHIIM(釜山 Busan)
2018年伊始,「戲劇遊樂場 SHIIM」已經與才華橫溢的外國導演以及它自身的團隊合作,創作了一系列的實驗劇場:例如以色列導演紀·阿隆指導的《柔光照耀的房間裡》,講述了一對夫妻中的妻子,因政府的暴力而失去了家園;台灣導演王墨林指導的《再見!母親》,講的是一位男子以自焚的方式拯救兩位年輕女工的故事,其改編之作《安蒂岡妮》,呈現了曾在東亞得到廣泛推行的戒嚴令,以及"脱北者"背後的亞洲現代歷史中的大屠殺。最近,「SHIIM劇團」進行了幾次街頭表演,像是在釜山法院前"走路",在市立釜田圖書館面"扛石頭",日本導演大橋宏執導的在札嘎其市場內表演的"一千零一夜"。除此之外,「SHIIM劇團」還創作了講述一名女性勞工激進人士的生活的作品《吹吧,春風》,以及將音樂會和劇場相結合的《搖滾音樂會,最後一次彩排》。
Since 2018, SHIIM has created experimental plays with talented international directors and of its own capacity. They collaborated with Israeli director, Gil Alon, to create 'Soft lighted Room' on a couple of whom a wife lost her own home town by the violence of the government; with Taiwanese director Wang Molin to create 'Mom, Bye' about a man who burned himself to save two young female workers. They recomposed 'Antigone', which is on martial laws prevailed in East Asia. Another work, 'Defectors from the North', is about massacres which happened in modern history of Asia. Recently SHIIM has made several street performances, including 'Walking' in front of Busan Court of Law, 'Carrying Stones' in front of Bujeon Library, and 'One Thousand and One Nights' at Jagalchi Market directed by Japanese director Hiroshi Ohashi. Shiim also created a 'Blow, Spring Wind', a play about a life of a female labor activist, and 'Rock concert, Last Rehearsal', which combined concert and theater.