開幕之夜: 現場展演與交流Opening Night: Live Performance and Interaction
活動說明 Description
The Opening Night will be held in the format of mutual exchanges and body performances. We invite theater practitioners from all over the world to use physical action as a method of dialogue to present different types of performance and concerns of various groups. In addition, we also welcome participants to present video clips between performances. We hope that through diversity and interaction, we will be able to learn from each other and discuss how theater practitioners address today's issues.
策劃 Curator
姚立群 YAO Lee Chun (台灣 Taiwan)
表演者 Performers
阿道.巴辣夫.冉而山 Adaw Palaf Langasan|冉而山劇場 Langasan Theatre (花蓮Hualien)
Dindon W.S|墓地劇團 Teater Kubur(雅加達 Jakarta)
洪承伊、白大鉉 HONG Seung Yi, BAEK Dae Hyun|戲劇遊樂場 SHIIM Theater Playground SHIIM(釜山 Busan)
王楚禹 WANG Chu Yu(北京 Beijing)
Assane CASSIMO|家劇場 Teatro em Casa(莫三比克 Mozambique)
策展人的話 Curator's Notes
At That Time, the Audience Really Stood Up.
At this event, theater practitioners initiate the conversation with physical action. They engage with contemporary issues through unique performance styles. From a discursive context, they enter the scene of resistance and undertake the labor of performance. Their performance is not just the preface to a series of dialogues, but also a witness to thirty years of People's Theatre.