社區文化發展中心|Centre for Community Cultural Development, CCCD (香港 Hong Kong)
Centre for Community Cultural Development, CCCD
香港 Hong Kong
社區文化發展中心(CCCD) 創立於2004年,是一個以實踐社區藝術/民眾文化作為發展策略的藝術組織,打破地域界限,融合社區 ,十二年來致力推動「社區藝術」、「民眾文化」與「藝術治療」路上遇上不少同路人,得到不同團體、機構協力相助。社區文化發展中心由多位資深視藝、劇場、社區藝術及社會工作者成立,多年致力推動各種社區藝術及民眾文化計劃,並促進海外交流。中心位於賽馬會創意藝術中心,一直透過藝術培養人的文化修養,充權,讓人能夠掌握和面對社會的轉變。我們相信...
2.「藝術充權」: 個人及社區/群,都可以透過視覺藝術、音樂、舞蹈、戲劇或其他藝術表達和發聲。
3. 多元文化發展及以藝術表達達至共融。
4. 藝術治療促進個人善用內在資源,促進自我了解及身心健康,並讓社群/社區凝聚與團結,乃至促進社會結構性的改變。
Centre for Community Cultural Development (CCCD) is a pioneering non-profit arts organization that promotes and practices peoples' culture/community arts. We are dedicated to embrace diversity, to go beyond geographical boundaries, and to establish collaborative relationships with both local and international artists and arts organizations. CCCD was founded by a group of social workers and artists (visual art, theatre, community arts). Located in the Shek Kip Mei Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC), we work on a variety of community cultural development projects within and beyond the local community. We believe that arts could cultivate personal qualities, empower individuals, and equip them to face social changes. We believe ...
1. in "Community Arts/ Peoples' Culture". Everyone can enjoy art as an active creator and audience.
2. in "Arts Empowerment" of individuals and community towards personal and societal growth and social solidarity. Everyone can voice out and express oneself through different art forms such as visual art, music, dance, drama.
3. artistic expression can help to embrace social inclusion.
4. arts therapy facilitates self-understanding, encourages the utilization of inner resources, and promotes individuals' well-being, fosters strong mutual trust and support among communities, which can generate positive structural changes in society.