第二場:重繪亞際民眾劇場歷史圖譜 I:跨地串聯與在地實踐Section II: Re-mapping Inter-Asian Historical Contexts of People’s Theater I: Regional Solidarity and Local Practice
In Asia, practitioners of the People's Theater looked to Europe and America to imagine a certain pioneering form. Practitioners in the Third World quickly noticed the importance of ideological resources and local traditions that are more relevant to their situation. Looking back at the meaning of Inter-Asian solidarity, People's Theater has its own geographical orientation, as well as its ideological commonality. Practitioners of People's Theater envisioned a united front built upon the weakest link, using the Third World as a weapon. People's Theater developed through battling difficulties and established networks for cross-region exchanges through understanding and mutual support.
In this section we will discuss: What are the potentials, factors and situations that have contributed to the establishment of the Inter-Asian People's Theater network? In face of turbulent political changes in various regions, what kind of shared structural difficulties have practitioners encountered? How have they changed the way they imagine Asia?
主持 Moderator
姚立群 YAO Lee Chun (台灣 Taiwan)
講者 Speakers
莫昭如、楊秉基 MOK Chiu Yu, Banky YEUNG Ping Kei (香港 Hong Kong):從民眾劇場到社區文化發展 -- 顛覆嗎?重要嗎?From People's Theatre to Community Cultural Development - - Do They Subvert? Is It Important?
Glecy Cruz ATIENZA (菲律賓 Philippines):PETA的金牌 -- 遊戲國家,改變亞洲PETA's Gold -- Gaming The Nation, Changing Asia
Richard BARBER (澳洲/泰國 Australia/Thailand):一個變革性的對話劇場:「油甘子劇團」對泰國政府鎮壓的談判A Transformative Theatre of Dialogue: The Makhampom Theatre Group's Negotiation of Thailand's State of Repression