第四場:民眾劇場在中國大陸:勞動與實踐Section IV: People’s Theatre in Mainland China: Labour and Practice
This section focuses on the practice of the People's Theater that takes the condition of the workers as the subject of dialogue in reflecting the social reality. How does People's Theatre perform blasting operations inside and outside of the factory, between high-speed operation of the machine and the human body? Independent little theater practitioners in Mainland China take labour culture as a starting point for thinking and creating, and this allows us to reflect on the vanishing space of both discourse and action of the People's Theatre.
主持 Moderator
王墨林 WANG Mo Lin (台灣 Taiwan)
講者 Speakers
趙川 ZHAO Chuan (上海 Shanghai):草台班在北門-- 從《世界工廠》到工人劇場的五年戲劇實踐Grass Stage at North Gate-5 Years Practices in Theater from World Factory to Workers' Theater
王楚禹 WANG Chu Yu (北京 Beijing):在身體、社會與劇場的邊界On the Border of Body, Society and Theatre