阿道.巴辣夫.冉而山 Adaw Palaf Langasan|冉而山劇場 Langasan Theatre(花蓮 Hualien)
阿道.巴辣夫.冉而山 Adaw Palaf Langasan
「冉而山劇團」團長、導演。太巴塱部落,磐扎,阿美族人。少時,是「放羊的小孩」。年青時,是個「流浪漢」。中年時,稍解歌舞劇場為何物。老了,愛塗「泥巴」。 The Founder and Director of Langasan Theatre. A member from the Pangcah, Amis indigenous group, he is from the Tafalong tribe in Hualien. As a kid, he was like a juvenile shepherd. As a youngster, he was like a wanderer. He learned about singing and performing in his middle age. Now then, he is muddy and old.
冉而山劇場|Langasan Theatre
冉而山(Langasan)劇場,相應著阿美族聖山「奇冉而山(Cilangasan)」蘊存的神話與族群繁衍的發祥地的意義,本身亦為原舞者資深團員的團長阿道‧巴辣夫‧冉而山做為大海嘯神話中遷往 Cilangasan 一支的氏族,過去以來懷抱文化使命,透過樂舞復振,維繫原住民文化的細膩內涵。
The Langasan Theater took its name from a mountain in Hualien called Cilangasan. Adaw Palaf Langasan is the founder and mentor of the theatre group. As legend has it, many years and many moons ago, he and his Langasan people came to Taiwan from the ocean in the waves. The Langasan Theater''s performances incorporate music, dance, singing and storytelling, seeking to preserve the rich contents of aboriginal culture.