Assane CASSIMO|家劇場 Teatro em Casa(莫三比克 Mozambique)
Assane Alberto CASSIMO
Assane Alberto CASSIMO 是 Teatro em Casa (家劇團) 協會的統籌和創始成員。 他熱愛社區並希望為其做出貢獻,因此他在16歲時申請加入了學校劇團。到目前為止,他已經參與了十多場劇場表演,與多位莫三比克的藝術家進行合作,並錄製了多部有關安哥拉和莫三比克運動的廣播劇集。創作劇場加強了他與社區的聯繫,因為台上和台下之間的距離越來越小,觀眾也更樂意在表演結束後與演員互動。他亦參與製作了一些莫三比克電影,例如《滿月之夜》,以及一門錄象課程。由此,他希望能在未來攻讀一個表演藝術學位。
Assane Alberto CASSIMO (B.1991) is the coordinator and founding member of Associação Teatro em Casa. He loves the community and hopes to contribute to it, which was why he joined the theater group at school when he was 16. So far, he has participated in more than 10 theatrical shows, cooperated with some Mozambican artists and recorded several radio soap operas about movements in Angola and Mozambique. Theater strengthens his connection with the community, since the decreasing distance between performers and audiences makes the public more comfortable to interact with them after the show. He has participated in the making of some Mozambique movies like Night of Full Moon, as well as a video lesson. He is planning on pursuing a Performing Arts degree in the future.
家劇團 Teatro em Casa
Teatro em Casa是由蒙德拉內大學傳播與藝術學院的一群劇場系學生所創建的項目。應公眾的要求,這項目於2016年正式啟動。在他們觀看了一場由一群學生在一個距離馬布多市中心偏遠區域創作的劇場表演,由此感到必須和這群學生一起表演。於是,學生們認為這是一個創造夢想的機會,提供一個讓他們把學院裡習得的劇場技巧運用到社區當中。Teatro em Casa旨在實現以下目標:向社區展示何為劇場表演;鼓勵在社區中浮現的劇團;在演員、導演、劇作家、一般劇場和社區之間建立良好的溝通;為劇場議題建立一個討論的平台;使劇場成為大家促進和討論彼此看法的地方。
目前的大環境是,大多數劇場都位於主要城市的中心位置,而Teatro em Casa的出現希望正式改變這一現狀。通過將劇場帶入社區,藉以了解各種劇場類型提供機會,從而以多樣的方式解釋藝術的世界,特別是劇場的世界。已經上演的劇目有:演出於2016年8月21日《Gaspar ou tortura Verbal》,演出於在Laulane社區的《Queméofantasma》,演出於於2016年10月2日在Laulane社區的"Um serviço perdido numa noite suja",在2016年11月26日演出於在Laulane社區2016年11月26日《Filoctétes》,在2017年2月26日演出於Txumene社區的《Casado à força》,在2017年2月3日和4月2日於Ferroviário社區演出的《O Casal Palavraki》,在2017年5月28日於Mavalane社區演出的《Mintso,Festa de Preto》,以及在都市中的社區表演的作品《Tortura verbal》。
Teatro em Casa is a project created by a group of theater students from the School of Communication and Arts of Eduardo Mondlane University. The initiative was launched in 2016 at the request of the public. After watching a theatrical performance presented by a group of students in one of the outlying districts of the city of Maputo, they wanted to perform with the students. The students saw this as an opportunity to realize their dreams, and to apply theatrical techniques they learned in the academy to the community. Teatro em Casa aims to meet the following objectives: Bring theatrical performances to the community; encourage the emergence of theater groups in the community; establish communication between actors, directors, playwrights, theaters in general, and the community; create a platform for discussing theater issues; make theater a means of promoting and discussing ideas.
In a context in which most theaters are located in urban centers, Teatro em Casa hopes to change this situation. By taking theater to the community, Teatro em Casa provides the opportunity to get to know various theatrical genres and to interpret the artistic world-particularly the theatrical world-in various ways. Shows already presented include: August 21, 2016 "Gaspar ou tortura Verbal"; piece presented in the Laulane neighborhood "Quem é o fantasma"; piece presented in the Laulane neighborhood October 2, 2016 "Um serviço perdido numa noite suja"; piece performed in the Laulane neighborhood November 26, 2016 "Filoctétes"; piece presented in the neighborhood of Txumene February 26, 2017 "Casado à força", piece presented in the neighborhood of Ferroviário April 2, February 3, 2017 "O Casal Palavraki"; piece presented in the neighborhood of 3 de Fevereiro May 28, 2017 "Mintso, Festa de Preto"; piece performed in the neighborhood of Mavalane July 30, 2017 "Tortura verbal"; piece presented in the neighborhood of Urbanization.