D民手案|Injured Hand
時間 Time
2018/12/16 (日)
地點 Venue
異鄉人合作社 Stranger Cooperation
新竹市東區大同路86號 新竹東門市場3樓
No. 86, 3rd Floor, Dongmen Market, Datong Road, East District, Hsinchu City.
Video Description
The fourth wall is nonexistent here. A well-crafted scene inspires the audience to react to their own circumstances. Through the audience' intervention in the lawyer's debate, the power relationship behind the legal system and the absurdity and ruthlessness of life begin to emerge. The fitness instructor and the manicurist serve as the mise-en-scène, reminding us of the ideological background of the flesh. In the video, ordinary life is only restored once everything goes back to each individual. This is a public forum in the context of the theatre. This performance interrogates how we measure the monetary value of a pair of hands. What does judicial interpretation mean in this context? When a factory worker loses his arm during work and gets $610,000 in compensation, and when the famous pianist Lang Lang's fingers are insured at $100,000,000, the class relationship between human organs is established. The apparition of commodity value haunts our flesh and blood. The body is mutilated, stuffed into the intricate meat grinder of capital value, and fulfills the formula of blood compensation in the new era.
《D民手案》導演:王楚禹 WANG Chu Yu
Director WANG Chu Yu is a contemporary artist, performance artist, and curator based in Mainland China. Born in Shaanxi, China in 1974, Wang started his artist career in Beijing in 1994. He has participated in numerous international performance art festivals. His recent projects include "Die Hamletmaschine" (2015-2016) and he directed the theatre project "Injured Hand" (2017). He founded the "Qian Xing Art Institution" in 2016. In 2018, he. directed a concept theatre named "For Our 56 Workers" and "Hong Kong People."
主持人 Moderator
李齊 LI Qi(交通大學社會與文化研究所博士生 PhD Student, Social Research and Cultural Studies, NCTU)