Dindon W.S|墓地劇團 Teater Kubur(雅加達 Jakarta)
Dindon W.S.(雅加達 Jakarta)
Dindon W.S.是「墓地劇團」總監。他從小熱愛各種故事及傳統表演,長大後,亦因他對舞台的熱愛,與朋友一起創立「墓地劇團」。朋友稱呼他 "AA",他同時也是導演與著名演員,創作不少作品,包括"Raong-raong", Danga-dango 1,2, SirkusAnjing, Tombol 13 Topeng Monyet Bola Plastik, SandiwaraDol, Trilogi Besi等等。「墓地劇團」以物理劇場的方式 (physical theater method) 作為排演的基礎,這方法在澳大利亞、荷蘭、日本、馬來西亞及印度各地,亦為眾多劇團使用。Dindon W.S.經常與海外作文化交流合作、舉辦工作坊,尋找新的靈感。他更是關心社會,並嘗試打開新的空間,創造旁人認為不可能的可能性。
Dindon W.S. is the Director of Teater Kubur. Theater has given him the spirit of live. This spirit has lived since he was a kid. He enjoyed varied stories very much, all traditional performances at that time... This spirit has grown well and it is shown on all his ideas for Teater Kubur, the group he found with his friends in Kober. He also stimulates his friends with this spirit. His friends and companions passionately calls him 'AA'. Loyality, integrity, and sacrifice have led AA became director and a strong artist. His works include: "Raong-raong", Danga-dango 1,2, Sirkus Anjing, Tombol 13 Topeng Monyet Bola Plastik, SandiwaraDol, Trilogi Besi, etc. Teater Kubur uses 'physical theater method' as the foundation of their rehearsal. This method is also practiced by many theater groups in Australia, the Netherlands, Japan, Malaysia, and India. The searching process always lives in the heart of this director, who has experiences in giving workshop and cultural collaborating overseas to find new meaning for his spirit. His care and awareness to social reality has always driven him to open up space for another possibility, which may be "impossible" for somebody.
墓地劇團|Teater Kubur
「墓地劇團」是1990s後蘇哈托時代的先鋒劇團。與其他當代劇團不一樣,「墓地劇團」主要來自底層的甘榜。「墓地劇團」於1983年由Dindon W.S.創立。由於Dindon W.S.住在雅加達東面的公墓附近,因而劇團取名為「墓地劇團」。當時的成員都是住在當地的高中學生、建築工人、汽車維修工人、汽車噴漆工人等等。當時的排演亦主要在公墓進行。
當地甘榜(按:馬來村落 Kampung)的居民經常觀看劇團在公墓的排演,劇團亦被接納成為社區的一部份。在數年的訓練後,「墓地劇團」雖然取得成功,但總監Dindon W.S.並不希望劇團與建制走得太近,因此劇團並沒有選擇在大型場地演出,反而是在甘榜、青年中心、大學校園巡迴演出。他們並沒有採用先鋒劇作家的劇本,反而是透過實驗性的方法,演員們運用即場獲得的材料,如一些繩網或是大鐵鼓等等,作即興表演。演員們運用他們日常生活熟悉的語言、片語及影像演出,使得當地居民能夠明白及觀賞他們的表演。
Teater Kubur is an avant-garde theater throughout the 1990s to the post-Suharto Era. Its root in a lower kampung marked the group's difference compared with most modern theater groups. Established in 1983 by Dindon W.S., who lives (till now) in "Kampung Kober" of Eastern Jakarta, near a cemetery (kuburan), the group called itself Teater Kubur. During the days, members of the group work as high school students, construction workers, auto mechanics, auto painters... all of whom lived in Kampung Kober. Its main rehearsal space was on the actual cemetery grounds, too.
Local kampung residents often watched their rehearsals on the cemetery grounds. They were accepted as a part of the community. Teater Kubur has gained a great success and reward within few years' training, but the Director wants to distance himself from the any institutions. Thus they choose not to perform at big venues but tour to kampungs, youth centers, and university campuses. They do not use scripts by avant-garde writer. Rather they use exploratory method-improvisations by the actors with materials from their immediate environments, such as nets and large metal storage drums. Actor use languages, idioms, and images most familiar to them, such as the daily language for those on the margins. Dindon said that his group used the idioms of the kampung so that residents could understand and appreciate Kubur's experimental performances and idioms.